Our People
"At the time of grandfather's death, the words "our people" were constantly used by members of the family. The phrase had a double meaning. It referred not only to one's relatives, but also the Volga Germans as a whole. To a great extent the two meanings were interchangeable, because the only relative that a person was likely to have were Volga Germans." -- Emma Schwabenland Haynes |
The Volga Germans often called themselves Unsere Leute (our people). This term provided a sense of community and belonging in Russia and the early years of settlement in America when much of the world surrounding them was culturally distinct.
Below are short biographies of individuals and families who migrated from Russia and made Portland their new home. We are grateful to those who have shared their family stories.
Please consider writing your own family story. Download a template in Microsoft Word format to help you get started. Simply replace the fictitious text with the actual facts about your family, attach a few photos, and send it to us. That's all there is to it!
Below are short biographies of individuals and families who migrated from Russia and made Portland their new home. We are grateful to those who have shared their family stories.
Please consider writing your own family story. Download a template in Microsoft Word format to help you get started. Simply replace the fictitious text with the actual facts about your family, attach a few photos, and send it to us. That's all there is to it!
Last updated December 30, 2023