Resources > Works Cited
Works Cited
The following is a list of works cited on this website.
- 40th Anniversary Second German Congregational Church 1913-1953. Portland: Second German Congregational Church, 1953. Print.
- Churches along the Oregon Trail: A History of Churches Identified with the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ. Portland, Or.: Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ, 1976. Print.
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- Evangelical Congregational Church 75th Anniversary 1913-1988. Portland: Evangelical Congregational Church, 1988. Print.
- Garbage Collection and Disposal in Portland. Publication. Portland, Oregon: City Club of Portland, 1955. Print.
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- "A Brief History of the Zion Congregational Church." Zion Congregational Church, Portland, Oregon, 1914-1967. Portland, Oregon: Krieger, 2001. 469-70. Print.
- Abbott, Carl. Portland: Gateway to the Northwest. Northridge, CA: Windsor Publications, 1985. Print.
- Abbott, Carl. "Where Are Portland's Vanished Immigrant Neighborhoods?", Portland Monthly. March 2019. Print and Online.
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- Goldenstein, Kurt Edward. Colorado Dutch Hop Music Arranged for the Accordian: The Music, History, and Culture of Colorado's Germans from Russia. Colorado: Colorado Council on the Arts, 2000. Print.
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- Hagelganz, Heinrich. The History of the Second Congregational Church in Portland, Oregon from Its Organization to the Year 1927. Rep. Portland, OR: n.p., 1927. Print.
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- Johnson, Doug. "German and Scandinavian Influences." North Pacific Union Conference Gleaner86.13 (1991): 6. Seventh-day Adventist Online Archives. Web. 3 Sept. 2015. <>.
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- Kelley, Barbara. "Information about Phillip Green and Anna Rothe." Telephone interview. Aug. 2016.
- Great granddaughter of Phillip Green and Anna Rothe.
- Klooster, Karl. "Little Russia: A Lost Community." The Oregonian [Portland, Oregon] 19 Aug. 1987, This Week Magazine - Round the Roses Column. Print.
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- Lockley, Fred. History of the Columbia River Valley from the Dalles to the Sea. Vol. III. Chicago, IL: S.J., 1928. Print.
- MacColl, E. Kimbark. The Shaping of a City: Business and Politics in Portland, Oregon, 1885-1915. Portland, Or.: Georgian, 1976. Print.
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- Taylor, Richard H. Congregations of the German Evangelical Synod of North America and Related Groups. Benton Harbor, MI: R.H. Taylor, 1998. Print.
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Last updated March 8, 2020.