People > Our People > Henry and Elisabeth Green
Henry and Elisabeth Green
Heinrich Grün was born in Norka, Russia on November 25, 1887, the son of Heinrich Peter Grün and Katharina Elisabeth Trüber.
Heinrich married Elisabeth Johann on September 5, 1907 in Hussenbach. Elisabeth was born on September 7, 1888, the daughter of Michael Katherine Elisabeth Johann of Gnadenfeld, Russia.
Heinrich and Elisabeth became the parents of two daughters, Maria (born 5 Aug 1908) and Anna (born 25 Jul 1910).
Heinrich and Elisabeth (along with their daughters Maria and Anna) immigrated to the USA on June 19, 1913, arriving in Boston on the steamship Laconia.
This photo below was taken in Gnadenfeld about 1912. Heinrich Grün is not shown in this photo, as the focus was on the Michael and Katherine Elisabeth Johann family. Elisabeth is standing in the center of the back row behind her parents. A copy of the photo was given to the Johann family in Gnadenfeld as they knew they would probably never again see those departing.
Henry and Elisabeth settled in Portland, Oregon. Four more children were born there: Edna (3 Feb 1913), Harry (21 Oct 1915), Loucelle Evelyn (27 Feb 1917), and Clifford Milton (11 Jan 1921).
The family attended the Zion German Congregational Church.
Henry's siblings, Anna Maria Sophia, John, Maria, Jacob Henry, and Pauline, also migrated to the USA and settled in Portland.
Elisabeth died on April 6, 1977, and Henry died in Portland on January 16, 1980.
Heinrich married Elisabeth Johann on September 5, 1907 in Hussenbach. Elisabeth was born on September 7, 1888, the daughter of Michael Katherine Elisabeth Johann of Gnadenfeld, Russia.
Heinrich and Elisabeth became the parents of two daughters, Maria (born 5 Aug 1908) and Anna (born 25 Jul 1910).
Heinrich and Elisabeth (along with their daughters Maria and Anna) immigrated to the USA on June 19, 1913, arriving in Boston on the steamship Laconia.
This photo below was taken in Gnadenfeld about 1912. Heinrich Grün is not shown in this photo, as the focus was on the Michael and Katherine Elisabeth Johann family. Elisabeth is standing in the center of the back row behind her parents. A copy of the photo was given to the Johann family in Gnadenfeld as they knew they would probably never again see those departing.
Henry and Elisabeth settled in Portland, Oregon. Four more children were born there: Edna (3 Feb 1913), Harry (21 Oct 1915), Loucelle Evelyn (27 Feb 1917), and Clifford Milton (11 Jan 1921).
The family attended the Zion German Congregational Church.
Henry's siblings, Anna Maria Sophia, John, Maria, Jacob Henry, and Pauline, also migrated to the USA and settled in Portland.
Elisabeth died on April 6, 1977, and Henry died in Portland on January 16, 1980.

Members of the Michael and Katherine Elisabeth Johann family from Gnadenfeld - circa 1912.
Back row from left to right: Katherine Elisabeth Johann (née ? - wife of Heinrich Johann, Sr), Elisabeth Grün (née Johann) standing behind her parents, Margaret Johann (née ? - wife of Solomon Johann).
Front row from left to right: Alexander Johann (son of Heinrich Sr.), Heinrich Johann, Sr., Heinrich Johann, Jr. (son of Heinrich Sr.), Michael Johann, Maria Grün (born 5 Aug 1908), Katherine Elisabeth Johann (née ?), Anna Grün (born 25 Jul 1910 - sitting on her grandmother’s lap), Maria Johann (daughter of Heinrich Johann, Sr.), Solomon Johann. Courtesy of Lucille Green Lavato, Mike Green and Valri Darling.
Joanne Krieger
Valri Darling
Lucille Green Lavato
Valri Darling
Lucille Green Lavato
Last updated October 26, 2023