St. Pauls Evangelical and Reformed Church Confirmation Class of 1936
The St. Pauls Evangelical and Reformed Church Confirmation Class of April 5, 1936.
Front row seated from left to right: ?, ?, Rev. Elias Hergert, ?.
Back row standing from left to right: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Emily Erdman, ?.
Please contact us if you have additional information about this confirmation class.
Front row seated from left to right: ?, ?, Rev. Elias Hergert, ?.
Back row standing from left to right: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Emily Erdman, ?.
Please contact us if you have additional information about this confirmation class.
Photographs courtesy of Valerie Miller. Valerie identified Emily Erdman.
Last updated November 22, 2017