Fenning's Market
Fenning's was located at 712 Alberta Street (now 2008 NE Alberta Street) according to the 1929 Portland City Directory and was owned by Henry Philip Fenning (changed from Pfenning), where he worked with his wife Lenora. Henry Lenora lived at 1016 E. 21st. Henry was born December 6, 1898, in Norka, Russia. His parents, John and Margaret (née Dörr) Pfenning, immigrated to the United States in 1900 with John's brother Lorenz (Lawrence), and they initially settled in York, Nebraska. By 1910, the family lived at 798 E. 6th St. N. in Portland, Oregon. The 1940 lists Henry as the proprietor of his own meat market. Henry was the second cousin of Conrad Fenning, who owned Fenning's Bakeries.
Immigration records, U.S. Census lists, Portland City Directories - Ancestry.com
Last updated October 30, 2023