Ebenezer Confirmation Class of 1925
The Ebenezer German Congregational Church Confirmation Class of March 25, 1925, included:
Hermann Miller, George Blum, George Derr, John Derr, Paulina Hahn, Flora F. Yost, Samuel Sinner, George Holzer (Helzer), Bernice Krueger, Wesslei Gebel (Wesley Gabel), Sarah Miller, Maria Klaus, John Pauli (Pauly), Heinrich C. Klaus, Alvina Reich, George Schafer, Adam Schleining, Mabel Scheideman, Raymond Yost, Alex Weigandt, Katharina Schafer, Katharina Hohnstein, Ronald Derr, Margareth Gebel (Gable, Gobel), Margarete George (Jorg), Anna Lehl (Leel), Conrad Yuckert, Helena H. Schlitt, Helena H. Schwindt, Heinrich J. Klaus, Walter Krueger, Heinrich Blum, Heinrich Hinkel (Henkel), Ludwig Sauer.
The special service was conducted by Rev. George H. Graf.
Please contact us if you have additional information about this confirmation class.
Hermann Miller, George Blum, George Derr, John Derr, Paulina Hahn, Flora F. Yost, Samuel Sinner, George Holzer (Helzer), Bernice Krueger, Wesslei Gebel (Wesley Gabel), Sarah Miller, Maria Klaus, John Pauli (Pauly), Heinrich C. Klaus, Alvina Reich, George Schafer, Adam Schleining, Mabel Scheideman, Raymond Yost, Alex Weigandt, Katharina Schafer, Katharina Hohnstein, Ronald Derr, Margareth Gebel (Gable, Gobel), Margarete George (Jorg), Anna Lehl (Leel), Conrad Yuckert, Helena H. Schlitt, Helena H. Schwindt, Heinrich J. Klaus, Walter Krueger, Heinrich Blum, Heinrich Hinkel (Henkel), Ludwig Sauer.
The special service was conducted by Rev. George H. Graf.
Please contact us if you have additional information about this confirmation class.
Krieger, Joanne, trans. Ebenezer Congregational Church, Portland, Oregon 1909-1984. Portland, OR: 2002. Page 232. Print. All names are shown as they are spelled in this source. Alternative spellings are shown in parentheses.
Last updated January 11, 2025