Ebenezer Confirmation Class of 1911
The Ebenezer German Congregational Church Confirmation Class of April 9, 1911 included:
Maria Kildau (Kidow, Kulthau), Katie Urbach, Elisabeth Urbach, Lydia Schwarz, Katie George (Jorg), George Heizenreter, John Miller, Jacob Fink, George Krieger, Edward Sinner, William H. Sinner, Amalia Wacker, Dorothea Albert, Katie Scheideman, Maria Weigandt, Hana Obermiller, Elizabeth Goebel (Gobel), Elisabeth Schwind (Schwindt), Elisabeth Miller, Elisabeth Peters, Margarete Miller, Christina Schnell, Amalia Schreiner, Henry Schwarz, William Schwarz, Jacob Yeager (Jager), Peter Hauser, Katie Ryser.
The special service was conducted by Rev. John H. Hopp.
Please contact us if you have additional information about this confirmation class.
Maria Kildau (Kidow, Kulthau), Katie Urbach, Elisabeth Urbach, Lydia Schwarz, Katie George (Jorg), George Heizenreter, John Miller, Jacob Fink, George Krieger, Edward Sinner, William H. Sinner, Amalia Wacker, Dorothea Albert, Katie Scheideman, Maria Weigandt, Hana Obermiller, Elizabeth Goebel (Gobel), Elisabeth Schwind (Schwindt), Elisabeth Miller, Elisabeth Peters, Margarete Miller, Christina Schnell, Amalia Schreiner, Henry Schwarz, William Schwarz, Jacob Yeager (Jager), Peter Hauser, Katie Ryser.
The special service was conducted by Rev. John H. Hopp.
Please contact us if you have additional information about this confirmation class.
Krieger, Joanne, trans. Ebenezer Congregational Church, Portland, Oregon 1909-1984. Portland, OR: 2002. Page 223. Print. All names are shown as they are spelled in this source. Alternative spellings are shown in parentheses.
Last updated January 11, 2025